Monday, May 31, 2010

New month means new hunts!

Alright, I'm officially in June 1st! And you know what that means...a whole new round of hunts.

The "Pain in the Butt" hunt starts TODAY! In this one, you're looking for shark's teeth! Wow! Be sure to not let them bite you!!

And the theme? Jokes! Woot! This is a kid-friendly hunt. In fact the rules state no stores with adult items can apply.

Get started at Sour Pickles or read the blog for the hunt for info.

But most of all, HAVE FUN!

Happy days and happy hunting,


Friday, May 28, 2010

thee 25l sale!

hihi! Theres a store called ID that is having a sale ALL weekend on ALL of their clothes! They have a lot of great stuff, some of the stuff you can find is above. Its definitely worth a trip!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Rainbow Hunt starts soon!!

The end of the month usually means the end of hunts around the grid. **sad face** :(


It also means the beginning of a new month...and the beginning of some new hunts! **YAY** :)

The Rainbow Hunt begins June 5.

You can read the hunt's blog, or just head to the hunt's starting point and dive right in!

You'll be looking for little crayons in this hunt.

Have fun and happy hunting!


Sunday, May 23, 2010

School time!!

So, if you've never attended school in SL, what are you waiting for?? I've attended Hard Knock once for a semester. Then I dropped out!! LOL

I've been thinking of getting back into school, though, so as I explore the schools around SL, I'll post about them. Maybe you can give school a try, too!

First up: Hard Knock! They are enrolling right now. Just head to their campus on the Funky Town sim -- they have kiosks set up in front of the school. Just click one and follow the directions! The school offers preschool classes twice a day for kids ages 1-4, elementary for kids 4-12, and even high school for kids 13-18. The tuition is 600L a month.

Hang Outs - A different beat...

Hellows! I am Nisaa Decuir and I will be blogging about cool & safe places for kids to hang out in Second Life. For my first post I wanted to do go the untraditional route and write about one of my favorite quiet places to hang out at in Second Life, Chakryn Forest. It's a wonderful place to spend sometime alone or bring your bestie for great chat, you can even rez your own prims for poseballs for picture taking. It's beauty goes beyond words and I think it is shared best in pictures.

I truly hope you take the time to travel there and spend sometime in the beauty, sometimes the most beautiful places in SL disappear without notice. There is 1 nude statue in the forest, but it's quite tasteful and artistic.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

"We Gotta Live Like We're Dyin.."

Hi Pretties! Can you believe it's Saturday already? My god, this weekend is going WAY too fast, well anyway after digging through my inventory for a few hours this morning, deciding which outfit would be perfect to blog today for all you fashionistas, I finally picked the right one, before I go on and on about it, let's get started!

I traveled to Aura's owned and created by Aura Milev and I was looking around just window shopping really, until I came upon this FABULOUS dress called Kaysha, it comes with everything shown, isn't that awesome!? The pretty little pattern on the dress is just so adorable, its like one of the little dresses your mom would dress you up with when you were a little kid, it is just so adorable and fashionable in every way. The hair I'm wearing is a production from >TRUTH<>

Details: Skin: :GP: Petal Frex [Dark] Cupid-Pure 3
Hair: >TRUTH< Daisy shown in Almond
Dress and Shoes: *Aura's* Kaysha shown in Lilac
Necklace: *LacieCakes* KIDS Daughter Necklace
Ring: *BB* Lorella Sparkle Ring


Friday, May 21, 2010

50L Friday!!

Hey if you haven't joined the 50L group yet, you need to!!

Find Fifty Linden Fridays /kids/ and join today!

You get the list of places with 50L items each week...and you shop your brains out!!

Oh...excuse me...gotta go grab some more 50L items!

Happy shopping!


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hi There I'm Alexi!

Hi Everyone, I'm Alexi, and I'm so physched to posting on this blog for all you fashionistas out there! I will be updating everyone on the latest SL fashions, sometimes even furniture! And the coolest things that are out.

I will be posting about clothes, accessories, hair, cool things out in SL, and just anything you name it 50L fridays, and some of the most coolest stores in SL. I cant wait to start posting for you guys, so check in everyday to see what I have for you guys!


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Memories of Mom hunt

This hunt in honor of Mother's Day continues until May 31st. This hunt has 40 vendors signed up -- just look for the pink rose.

Have fun and happy hunting!

Jubil-opoly hunt!

Aw, one of my FAVORITIST things about Second Life is all the awesome stuff you can get for ToTaLlY FrEe!! Hunts are not only a source of tons of free goodies, but they're also lots of fun!

Right now, Jubil-opoly has a board-wide hunt. (Board-wide since this fun, awesomely designed kids mall is based on a board game) Just search Jubilee in places or follow the SLurl below. Look for the little flowers all over the board, buy for 0L, and get tons of awesome stuff!

Have fun and happy hunting!!


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

thee kickin it casual

flash hat - kickrocks
polo - arai
shorts - ninikoboy
socks - arai {freebie}
shoes - dunks urban bomb unit

hihi =] I'll be throwing together some fits for the guys, everything I blog for you guys, if they arent coming from a kids store, any prim pieces are sizeable down to fit kids. The Urban Bomb Unit shoes have had an update so if you tried them long ago and havent taken them out since, just wear the shoe and click on it, then click update and youll get a new pair that size down to fit us kids! If there's a particular type of fit you need help finding just leave a comment and ill try to make it the next post. =] see ya for now!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Hello and Welcome!

Hello and welcome to Kids' World! This is the only blog by and for the kids of Second Life. If it's something that affects the kids community of SL, you're going to see it here!

Check back every day or a couple times a day to see updates on the coolest places to hang out, best places to shop, upcoming kids events across the grid ... everything that makes being a kid on SL cool and fun.

Interested in being a blogger for Kids' World? Just IM Jin Chingseng on SL.

Have a place or event you want to see on the blog? IM Jin or Daisyrrose Guardian. We'll get the information from you and see what we can do!